One of the Palo Verde Boat Tours must have a unique marvel hidden for you to discover. On the North Western region of Costa Rica it is located the Guanacaste province. This province is home for hundreds and thousands of living wild animals. There are many preservation zones and national parks where animals live freely.
One of the most important areas for preservation on this province is the one situated next to the Nicoya peninsula. This is the Tempisque Conservation Area, where the river basin over floods and makes possible the environment conditions. Inside this area there are some river tours Costa Rica for eco tourism.
While you are taking a Palo Verde Boat Tours you certainly are taking an adventure to the real Tropical forest. This is one of the last dry forests from the Central America inter-tropical zone. This kind of forest consists of wetlands, brooks, mangroves, swamp and marshes. Here there are only two seasons a rainy one and a dry other.
On the dry season from December to Marsh you can come and enjoy of the amazing view everywhere. During this season hundreds of crocodiles lie over the river’s sides; some times to catch some prey and other times just to get warm under the sun.
Have you ever imagined a Resplendent Quetzal?
Around the Palo Verde National Park you can perform some activities like birds watching, fishing, hiking canopy and more. Remember booking one of the Land Tours in Costa Rica. By this tour you will have the chance to see one of the most exotic birds in our country.
The Resplendent Quetzal wears a metallic green plumage on the winds and back; red wine feathers over the chest; a crown of fine feathers between green and yellow over his head. When this bird flies he opens the winds showing the yellow feathers hidden.
Incredible Boa Constrictor found on a Palo Verde Boat Tours
It is up to normal to consider a travel to the tropics as a travel to the wild. And for sure it is not so far from the truth. The reality shows life as it is, on this tours by the Tempisque River you will meet wild animals.
Some Boa Constrictor was watched in different opportunities on her own environment. This reptile reached the 7 feet long and weighed up 21 pounds. This large snake was taken to share a shot with the tourists by a professional guide.
The Tempisque River holds one of the most visited bird corridor in the Central America Region. To guarantee the most amazing sight of different species of birds take a Palo Verde Boat Tours. In the middle of the river there is an island where most of the birds come to rest and restore. This is the perfect place where to study migratory bird’s behavior.
Take an Adventure Tour Costa Rica and be blessed by our nature and folks in every sense!
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